Salesforce Einstein Analytics

Business Intelligence, Visualization, Analytics – terms and concepts that have permeated the traditional reporting space in recent years. Each one added more capability, faster results and a better understanding of what happened…yesterday.

Enter Salesforce Einstein Analytics and the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Built by Salesforce for Salesforce natively on the platform, Einstein Analytics quietly works behind the scenes, crunching your data and offering up precise insights and meaningful recommendations so that you can be more successful. With Einstein Analytics, the discussion turns from historical performance to guided recommendations across Sales, Service, Marketing and Community interactions.

“The only source of knowledge is experience.”

~ Albert Einstein

From Historical Performance to Guided Recommendations

Einstein Analytics helps you see what happened, understand why it happened, gain insight into what will likely happen next and help you formulate your next best step, and it’s easily accessible through visual charts and recommendations right within your record pages. Use the pre-built, integrated Analytics Apps to slice and dice your data to explore and analyze trends. And using Einstein Analytics isn’t limited to your central reporting guru – Analytics Apps let anyone on your team explore their data for immediate awareness.

Einstein Discovery gives you data predictions and recommendations with “human” explanations and visualizations that are easy to understand – no Data Science PhD required! Einstein Discovery comes with out-of-the-box connectors to incorporate your external data, including Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Dynamics and others. And the New Explorer lets you interact with your data using ad-hoc drill-downs to get your questions answered through recommendation charts that help you visualize your unique situation. It will even create slide decks for you automatically, so you can impress your colleagues with your analysis skills.

CTComp will get you on the Einstein Analytics path at the speed of light.

    CTComp is a Saleforce registered consulting partner. Let our experts upgrade you to Lightning today, because our business is understanding yours.

    The Einstein Analytics Platform can give your Sales Reps meaningful recommendations across their Accounts and Opportunities, such as upsell/cross-sell suggestions, predicted win rates for open opportunities, recommended tasks as next best steps and more. Drilling into records can uncover even more insight, such as lifetime CSAT scores, product mix summaries and clearly explained discovery information. Tightly integrated charts offer a dynamic visual data experience, and data exploration lets you ask probing questions and have Einstein respond instantly with the best visualization recommendations for your review.

    Einstein once said: “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

    At CTComp, we use our passion (and our special talents) to recommend and deliver appropriate solutions for our customers. Connect with us – we’ll get you on the right path at the speed of light.

    And if Einstein Analytics isn’t exactly what you need, check out CTComp’s Easalytics solution – custom analytics to connect your disconnected world.

    CTComp – your Salesforce Einstein Analytics experts.

    Salesforce, Sales Cloud, and others are trademarks of, inc., and are used here with permission.